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Fire resistance in Croatia and the rest of Balkans

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The current situation of Croatian regulations for construction products and technical specifications for the construction product - fire doors, notices on the applications to which all manufacturers of fire protection products placed on the Croatian market must adapt, and brief instructions for manufacturers of internal fire doors to meet the Croatian National Technical Regulations on Construction.

A brief overview of the chronological situation in the area of external fire doors

It is well known that the production standard for fire-resistant exterior and industrial doors (EN 16034:2014 in accordance with EN 14351-1:2006+A2:2016 and EN 13241:2003+A2:2016) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 06.10.2016.

In that way, the beginning of the transition period from the national regulations related to this construction product to the unique European Regulation of harmonized construction products was announced, and the beginning of the marking of fire doors with the CE mark. The transitional period until which all manufacturers of fire-resistant external doors had to certify and mark them with the CE mark lasted until November 1, 2019.

This picture shows an example of Croatian certificate of constancy performance
Fig. 1: Example of Croatian certificate of constancy performance issued
by Local Croatian approved body in English Language (source: Assa Abloy Croatia)

Brief review of the chronological situation in the area of internal fire doors

The legal regulations for fire-resistant interior doors and mechanically operated doors remained in the non-harmonized area, in other words, the rules for placing that product on the market of individual EU members are regulated by themselves internally.

In the Republic of Croatia, at the end of 2019, an amendment to the Technical Regulations on Construction Products (Official Gazette 35/18 and 104/19) was adopted, according to which the certification of internal fire doors (EN 16034:2014 in accordance with EN 14351-2:2018) also changes from the previous Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) System 3 to AVCP System 1.

In doing so, a transitional period was determined, during which the previous documents (Classification reports issued by the Croatian approved body) are valid until 31 October 2020. After that date, all manufacturers of fire-resistant internal doors, who want to put their product on the Croatian market, will have to have a Certificate from a Croatian approved body.

According to the Croatian Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets, the only approved national certification body in the Republic of Croatia is LTM, Croatia.

Internal fire door certification procedure in the Republic of Croatia and the rest of the Balkans

Due to the fact that internal fire doors in Croatia are now in AVCS System 1, the certification process is much more complex than in System 3, which requires additional production supervision and factory control at the manufacturer's facility.

In Croatia, the procedure is such that when determining the type of product, on the basis of already performed tests, type calculations, table values or descriptive documentation of the product, the Croatian approved body can use all existing documents issued by bodies of other countries that carry out product type determination in accordance with the requirements of the EN standard 16034.

LTM became the only local notified body (Notified Body) number NB 2483 for carrying out the actions of the initial inspection of the production plant and control of factory production, continuous supervision, evaluation and evaluation of control of factory production of construction products, and issuing certificates on the constancy of the properties of the above-mentioned construction products (register of notified bodies is available on the Nando database), approved by Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets.

For internal fire doors, all requests for National Certification must be sent to an approved LTM authority. Then the request goes for verification and the procedure is carried out in System 1, which means the creation of the Croatian classification report, factory control of production, and issuance of the Certificate of Constance of Performance.

The decision to award the Certificate is made on the basis of a positive report on the evaluation of the constancy of properties (evaluator's proposal). About the decision on certification, regardless of whether it is positive, negative or positive only for certain and not all products, LTM informs the applicant and the relevant Ministry. After all actions have been carried out, the manufacturer must, based on the Ordinance on the bodies, documentation and procedures of the construction products market (Official Gazette 118/2019) issued by the Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning, draw up a Statement of Properties in the non-compliant area and mark the product with the "C" mark.

All construction products for which the manufacturer has drawn up a statement of properties should be marked CE (in the compliant area) or C' (in the non-compliant area). The CE mark, or C, must be placed in a visible, legible and indelible manner on the construction product or on a label attached to it, or the mark is placed on the packaging or accompanying documents. The CE mark, or C, must be placed before the construction product is put on the market. In addition to affixing the CE or C mark to the construction product, the manufacturer must indicate that he took over responsibility for the conformity of the product with its specified property or properties.

Declarations of performance in the non-compliant area and "C" marking of the construction product in the non-compliant area

In the Republic of Croatia, it is mandatory for internal fire doors to issue a Declaration of performance and the "C" mark prescribed by the Ordinance on Bodies, Documentation and Procedures of the Building Products Market (Official Gazette 118/2019).

You can see two screenshots of a declaration of performance in croatian language.
Fig. 2: Example of Declaration of performance in Croatian language (source: Assa Abloy Croatia)
In the picture you can see a plaque of the "C" mark in croatian language
Fig. 3: Example of “C” mark in Croatian language (source: Kolnoa Vrata)

The rest of the Balkans

In the rest of the Balkans, the procedure is almost similar, the request must be submitted to the local body in a particular country, a local classification report is needed, but the factory production control certification is not carried out at the manufacturer, as is the case in Croatia, (where is under Conformity Assessment System 1).

Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are not members of the European Union, so each country in the Balkans is unique.


[1]     Technical Regulation on construction products NN 104/2019 issued by the Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning

[2]     Ordinance on fire resistance and other requirements that buildings must meet in the event of a fire Official Gazette 29/2013 issued by the Ministry of the Interior

[3]     Ordinance on bodies, documentation and procedures of the construction products market (Official Gazette 118/2019) issued by the Ministry of Construction and Spatial Planning,

[4]     EN 16034; EN 14351-2; EN 13501-2

Hrvoje Komac

Director - ift Hrvatska d.o.o.

ift Rosenheim – Hrvatska

Ulica Huga Badalića 23

10000 Zagreb

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