3 articles found
Certification – Quality Management DIN EN ISO 9001
As the most successful concept and verification procedure worldwide, certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 supports and documents a company's quality awareness in the systematic design of its processes at all levels.
Certification – Installer of Mechanical Security Devices – QM 311
In Germany, burglar resistance has become very important over the last few years. Equipping a house with the right windows, doors, gates or roller shutters makes the end customer feel secure. But you don't always have to buy a new product. Often, retrofitting with the right components can be the solution.
Certification – Fire and Smoke Control Door and Shutter Assemblies (Internal use) – QM 305
Due to the standardisation backlog in Europe, interior doors are still regulated nationally. In some countries, a classification report according to EN 13501-2 is required as proof, which requires proof in accordance with product standard EN 16034.