Certification of laminated profiles for market access in Scandinavia
This product certification of laminated scantlings for windows and doors is based on methods developed and introduced in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. These specifications are concluded in the technical guideline "Certification of laminated scantlings (blanks) for use in door and window production".
Products certified according to this document comply with the specified requirements of Dansk Vindues Verifikation (DVV), Norsk Dør-og Vinduskontroll (NDVK) and the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE).
Technical and testing requirements are partly based on EN standards. A list of the standards on which this guideline is based can be found in Clause 7 of the above-mentioned document. The document itself can be accessed at the following link: www.nordicscantlings.com
ift Rosenheim is recognized by NCS as a surveillance body for this inspection procedure and is listed on the NCS homepage.
Products in Detail
The following products fall within the area of this certification:
Laminated profiles for windows and doors, laminated wood profiles, semi-finished products for windows and doors
Interested in Certification of Laminated Profiles as per NCS?
The ift certification body accompanies you with auditors who are competent in the industry and in the field and thus assesses your products and management systems. Certification by ift Rosenheim enjoys a high level of recognition among manufacturers, planners, merchants, tendering authorities and consumers.
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